1. Thank and link the person that give you the award
- Mekasih to Kak Yatie n Kaksu72
2. Pass this award to 10/20/30/all bloggers you've recently discover
1- Kak Anis @ Anis Diary's
2- Kak Nur @ My Little Kitchen
3- E-na Zarina @ My Lovelykitchen
4- Hana @ Hana Memories
5- Erma @ Halamanku
6- Maria @ Salam Dari Borneo
7- Along Roz @ Home Kreation
8- Inahar Ali @ Inahar Cooking Time
9- Kelly @ Kelly's Life
10- Mummyar @ mummyar blogspot
3. Contact said blogs and let them know they've won this award
- Ok..insyaAllah..eden toraiiii...
4. State 7 things about yourself
1- Suka makan n minum2
2- Suka dengar lagu - semua genre..universal ler tuh
3- Suka borak2/chitchatting
4- Boleh ngam ngan sesiapa saja..insyaAllah..hehe
5- Membaca- Semua genre yg baik2..insyaAllah...
6- Suka berterima kasih n say sorry...
7- Suka sesuatu yg mencabar...love pressure!!
Alhamdulillah...sorry kak yatie n kak su...D nie mmg tembel tul bab2 award nie..nk2 lagi klu kene tag!! jgn mare ye kak2 sekalian...hehe..dan pada siapa penerima seterusnya award nih..please...just ambik n gntung jer kat blog msg2...D dgn seikhlas hatinye beri tanpa perlu jwb soklan2 nie..u olss still in my heart..insyaAllah....
cayunk u lah.....sudi gak D nk bg award kt ai yek....hikhik...mak sukey......
Salam D. Maceh ingat kat Along. Tag ni Along dah buat, nanti Along add nama D kat situ ya... mmmuah2!
ReplyDeleteIntersting blog award??? uish LK tu biasa2 je tmpt nak simpan resepi untuk family..he he nway TQVM utk award ni...nnt E-na ambik ye...muaahhhahh
ReplyDeleteMekasih semua..u olss deserved this award with no doubt!! hehe